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What are the dangers contained in soft drinks?

The basis of cola drinks is caffeine addiction that causes people like to drink coffee addiction.

The ancients thought that drinking carbonated beverages make the body healthy. In the current era of soft drinks is known to make bone loss because it contains Phosporic acid, so it is no longer considered a healthy beverage. Added sugar in soda drinks are numerous. A glass of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. Sugar is considered as a ringleader of the accumulation of fat in the body.

artificial sugar
And because people are aware that the intake of sugar should not be too much, they turned to the artificial sugar. It turns out that the latter was as bad as the original sugar. All aspartame, sukralos, and other artificial sugar after investigation it caused hardening of the brain, spinal cord and hoarders of fat in the body's organs.

Causes of addiction
In this era of globalization the world feels more cramped, what can be seen in the United States, can also be seen in Indonesia. Through the Internet we can market anything. Advertising soda increasingly sophisticated and interesting to make people feel thirsty to drink. Interest of the community to enjoy soft drinks may increase with increasing heat of the sun due to the impact of global warming greenhouse alias. In particular beverages containing cola was very suitable for relieving thirst of whack.

What makes people addicted to drink Cola?
The basic ingredients of Cola are cocaine and caffeine. Cocaine is extracted from the Coca leaf and caffeine from kola nut. Prior to 1904 glass of Cola contains nine milligrams of cocaine. Since 1904 the factory Coca Cola wear leaves that have taken the juice so it no longer contains cocaine.

The origin of cola
This drink was discovered by the pharmacists who aimed to create a powerful drug busting some kind of disease. Mr. Coca Cola itself, Dr. Pemberton, was a colonel who was injured in the civil war in America. He uses morphine to relieve pain. Finally he created the drink made from coca leaves and cola nuts to cure addiction to morphine. Ironically after coca cola increasingly popular new children aged 40 died from morphine addiction. (Wikipedia)

avoiding addiction
After seeing the many evils of soda, you might ask, "So what should I drink?" Of course the most healthy is water, but it is boring to drink water constantly. You can make it a little different to add a little lemon juice or lemon. Or basil seeds that can reduce body heat. Sugar may be used but little, and if you are sick with diabetes sugar certainly not recommended.

cure addiction
We need encouragement to achieve something, so anyway to recover from addiction to soda, we need motivation. You can provide a place cans or piggy bank to put the money that you will use to buy a soda. That money can you count every month and tubes in the bank for a cruise destination. Plan a trip with the family to a happy place. Thus you feel more compelled to not buy soft drinks.

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