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List of Some Symptoms Penis Problems

Often there are some conditions and symptoms that are a concern about the health of the male penis. Although not all morbid condition leads to a dangerous condition, still a bit of a change in the condition of the penis that assessed the reasonableness needs to be watched.

What are the symptoms that need diwasapadai? Consider the following explanation:

1. Bleeding during urination or ejaculation
If you are experiencing this condition, it could be a symptom of a urinary tract infection or prostate disorders. However, this phenomenon is an indication that deserve underestimated. See a doctor immediately, or further urological surgeon.

2. Lump, warts, skin lesions or redness on the penis or genital area
bermasalahBila penis you find warts, sores, or a reddish spots on the penis or around your genital area, chances are you are experiencing symptoms of sexually transmitted infections.

Moreover, if you feel these symptoms when recently had unprotected sexual activity.
Bumps or spots. Especially in areas related to sexual intercourse activity, such as in the pubic area, mouth and oral cavity, rectum / anus. The lump may be a chicken's comb in the area around the anus or genitals, enlarged lymph nodes usually in the groin or watery spots such as chickenpox in the pubic area or mouth.

In HIV infection, the beginning is usually accompanied by symptoms such as the common cold can then heal itself, so that the necessary laboratory tests to determine the presence of HIV infection. Those who have sexual activity behaviors that are harmful to their HIV status should consult a doctor.

STI management is actually should be, so that infections do not go up to the top of the reproductive organs and cause infertility or in the case of HIV, the cause of death.

3. curved penis (penile curvature) are not fair
bengkokTidak penis reasonable question here is beyond reasonable penis usually, for example if there is a change in direction of the arch. Indeed penis bends are very reasonable and normal and genetically difaktori (derivative).
But watch out if there is inappropriate to bend beyond reasonable conditions that cause pain and interfere with sexual activity. Kuravatura penis (penis bends) can be caused by the collision, abnormal sexual activity (rough, out of the ordinary).
Or it could be due to severe collisions, such collisions (trauma) when sports and more. Consult a doctor if it interferes with the activity of urination and sex.
The penis is bent certainly raises concerns in men. Normally, the penis is slightly bent. However, there are circumstances that make the penis bent with varying degrees both up and down, and side to side. This is called the Peyronie's Disease.
Peyronie's Diesase is a state of the formation of a layer of fibrous scar tissue (plaque) that hard under the skin on the top or bottom of the penis. When the penis have an erection, the scar tissue pulling on the penis, forming a bent penis. This condition can cause pain during erection.

4. Taste Burned When Micturition
These symptoms can menjad sign of infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Syphilis, gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia, and others. See a doctor immediately before spreading to more fatal condition.

symptoms of Syphilis
There will be about 3 weeks to 6 months after having sex / sex, generally characterized by:
Arise bumps and sores around the genitals
The wound looks like a hole in the skin with a higher edge. In general, do not hurt
In a few weeks the wound will be lost, but it is the bacteria will remain in the body and the disease can appear in the form of blisters on the entire body blisters will disappear as well, and the virus will invade other body parts
Sometimes accompanied by dizziness and bone pain, flu-like symptoms
Appear reddish spots on the body around 6-12 weeks after intercourse / sex

symptoms of Gonorrhea
The incubation period is very short gonorrhea in men is usually between 2-5 days, sometimes longer. In women incubation period is difficult to determine because generally does not cause symptoms.
In men, initially there is itching and heat around the urethra, the channel that transports urine from the bladder to outside the body. Furthermore, there is pain during urination and cloudy viscous secretions out of the tip of the urethra which is sometimes accompanied by blood. When the infection is getting up, the pain will be growing and increasingly viscous secretions and murky. In addition there is pain at the time of erection and sometimes there are enlarged lymph nodes in the groin.
In women, symptoms, if any, can be so mild that people do not realize it. As many as 30% -60% of women with gonorrhea are asymptomatic. Symptoms may include pain during urination, urination becomes more frequent, and sometimes cause pain in the lower pelvis. In addition, there is a thick and cloudy discharge that comes out of the vagina.

Symptoms of chlamydia in men:
Discharge or clear or cloudy discharge from the tip of the penis
Painful urination
Burning sensation and itching at the tip of the penis
Pain and swelling around the testicles
If left untreated, chlamydial infections can cause pelvic inflammation in women that can lead to damage to the fallopian tubes (the tube that connects the ovaries and uterus) or cause infertility. In addition, this infection may also increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy and cause premature birth and infection in newborns (eye infection or pneumonia). Whereas in males, can arise complications such as infection or rectum testes.

5. Abnormal Fluid Discharge from penis
penyakitGejala abnormalities of the penis is also a symptom of infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Beyond reasonable fluid usually comes in the form of pus, yellow fluid, or beyond reasonable color and often emit unpleasant aroma.
This condition can not be underestimated and should be addressed immediately. Therefore there are three things that must be done:
Seek immediate medical attention. Do not ask a friend or treat yourself with a dose and rules of use that one for later may cause more severe disease and should be treated with more powerful drugs.
To be honest with your doctor. Open a history of sexual activity immediately to the doctor so the doctor can immediately trace the causes of health problems and can provide appropriate treatment.
Open with partner. At the time of treatment need to be honest with your partner, because sexual partners also need to be treated to prevent recurrent infections. In addition, it involves abstinence when treatment that may not be related at all during treatment

6. Great Pain in the penis
The penis is a potential injury, though not in a state of erection (hard). One of the symptoms of penile trauma is severe pain, immediately perform the checks to the doctor if it is deemed disturbing.
Immediately consult a doctor or make a visit to the doctor to get a full examination if experiencing some conditions described above, in order to prevent the risk of a more fatal.

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