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How many gastric cancer incidence rate ?
The incidence rate of gastric cancer in the world each year 06.17.10 , Japan , Denmark and other countries have a higher prevalence , America and Australia have a lower rate , male to female ratio of 3:1 , the most vulnerable age is age 50 ~ 60 years .

What is the most common risk of gastric cancer ?
1. Environmental factors : in many areas , the incidence rate of gastric cancer is different .
2. Dietary factors : Expired food , food that is not good , salted vegetables , fish and meats are preserved , too much salt intake , can increase the risk of gastric cancer .
3. Genetic factors : according to epidemiological survey of gastric cancer are more likely to be caused by genetic factors .
4. Immune factors , in gastric cancer , immune function have a higher prevalence .

Early symptoms of gastric cancer ?
1. Abdominal pain : a symptom of gastric cancer is the most common . Beginning with intermittent pain , usually undiagnosed heartburn .
2. Tiddak upper stomach feels uncomfortable : feels full or burn. For a time can ilang , and then repeated again .
3. Decreased appetite , belching and indigestion : feeling of fullness and decrease food intake , usually accompanied by repetitive belching .
4. Droppings are black or bloody feces occult positive : if it does not consume pork blood that formed as know , foods that contain bismuth , but excreting black , immediately do the examination at the hospital .
5. Fatigue , weight loss and anemia : This is a common symptom of gastric cancer . Patients often experience anorexia , gastrointestinal blood loss , tiredness and weakness .

How do I diagnose gastric cancer ?
1 . Physical examination
2 . Laboratory tests
3 . Medical imaging examinations
    ( 1 ) X-ray barium upper gastrointestinal tract
    ( 2 ) improving CT
    ( 3 ) MRI
( 4 ) PET - CT scanning
( 5 ) ultrasound

4 . Endoscopy
( 1 ) gastroscopy
( 2 ) laparoscopic

What is the name of the traditional treatment for stomach cancer ?
1. Operations : a method that is widely used for early -stage gastric cancer patients and medium , which is also a fundamental and effective way .
2. Chemotherapy : chemotherapy as an adjuvant therapy after surgery , which destroy residual cancer cells , can also be used when pre - operation , operation , and control the transfer of cancer cells , to improve the success of the operation .
3. Radiotherapy : preoperative or intraoperative radiotherapy in patients with gastric cancer resection may increase , increasing the expected results . Radiotherapy can also be used to relieve symptoms and prolong the time period to life .

Characteristics of traditional medicine that can be used
After years of exploration and research , traditional medicine thinking about balancing properties that can be used as anti - cancer .

How do I set up diet after surgery?
1. Preformance eat small portions.
2. Eat foods that contain a lot of protein, which is easy to digest, such as porridge, egg soup, vegetable soup, milk, protein powder right.
3. Avoid sweet and fatty foods.
4. Avoid cold food, and too hot, avoid spicy spicy foods, alcohol, and drinks that stimulate 
the other.
5. To prevent anemia, better eating lean meat, fish, shrimp, animal liver, and jujube (Chinese dates), and others.
6. Rough to digest food, to be digested slowly.                                                                       


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